Trump's Astrological Reading Infuriated Me (No Reading Included)

I stumbled on a Facebook post of an astrologist reading Trump’s chart yesterday in light of his COVID test. The reader went on to talk about his governing and personality with a lot of editorial flare through it.

I find this kind of reading to be intrusive. A person’s chart is very personal. Yes, his date of birth is public, but does that mean it’s ethical for an astrologist to get into it and share what they see and interpret? (Especially, when used to promote one’s personal viewpoint and influence an audience?)

This isn’t an uncommon practice for readers to give their two cents on a celebrity or person held in high regard. But I don’t think it’s right.

The “sitter” didn’t give their permission to have their information read. And certainly, didn’t give approval to have it written and shared all over the internet.

Our energy is OURS. No one else is entitled to it. It’s much like our physical body; you wouldn’t say it’s ok for someone else to touch or use your body without permission. Just because you can’t see it (an aurora, birth chart, etc), doesn’t make it ok to take from someone else.

It’s awesome that there are so many healers and gifted people on the planet right now. They have the capacity to share far further with social media than ever before. Unfortunately, most people do not know that there is an ethical code we should be using in light of these gifts.

A reading or healing should not be used as a bar trick. Or for clicks. Or for sensationalism. Our gifts are meant to improve the lives of ourselves and others.

Please be cautious of healers or readers who will access information they don’t have permission to—knowingly or unknowingly; it doesn’t matter. Always hire or learn from people who are highly ethical in their practice and have great standards for their gifts.

Shine on, my friends! xo
