(Part 2) The Workout Witch: My Experience Through the Somatic Healing Journey

Part 1 of the Journey found here

Part 2 is being written live as I go through the program again.

Background on This Experience

So finally I’m going through the 3 course program again. Last I did it was in November 2022.

The last time I did it at night when my children were sleeping, but life is in a different season now. I do my “workout” in the morning with them around or in the evening before we do bedtime. Or sometimes at night with one of them with me or by myself—it depends on how the wind is blowing.

Yes, they are talking at me and it’s not quiet. Yes, my toddler lays with me and watches and participates as she can. Yes, it’s not the ideal perfect conditions. But you know what? Doing it IS the ideal perfection condition.

I have a toddler and homeschool my older child. We are always together from sun up to sun down. And I love it. But this round of the program is definitely different than last time when I did it at night all by myself. But that’s ok, I trust all will be well!

So what motivated me to do now? After a year and half? It’s been on my mind a while, but it just wasn’t my time. I wasn’t motivated enough to make space for it.

After a few conversations with my homeopath, I decided to go dairy-free again. It’s been about four years since I did it last time. I’ve done it twice before, but never in this body with two children. In making DF change, it opened up to make other changes, too. I don’t remember giving it much thought about starting the Workout Witch’s program—it just kinda happened.

I’m also planning on starting to walk in the future. It’s great how once you get over the initial momentum to make a single change, others follow with a lot of ease.

My Experience After Completing Free Your Hips

My overall reflection after completing the first section, Free Your Hips, is that it didn’t do too much for me. I had some releasing, but like my first time through the course, I did not have a “big” release. I’ve given this some thought as to why I didn’t experience it. I have been clearing my energy since 2016, so I don’t have the same backlog of gunk in my energy and body like most other people. I also have been working my homeopath for two years and in the last six months I really hit some emotional healing with that modality.

This time in the WW course, I had some releases happen as I could tell that my dreamlife picked up.

I also noticed that I did NOT yawn like crazy like I had the first time I did the course in 2022. Yawning in my signal that my energy is moving. So this may also point to the recent healing I have accomplished with homeopathy.

From a content point of view, The Workout Witch added some new additions this time as indicated by her new pink background in video and some new pdfs. I thought that there were some old videos that she should have revamped for being able to see and hear her better; I wish she had improved those for a better experience.

My Experience During the Courses Starting with Free Your Hips

Days 1-7

After day 2, I had a very difficult dream about family. Left me feeling totally ick the next day as I experienced the hangover from it.

I’m also noticing physically that my hips feel more fluid. Going up the stairs is noticably easier not that I would’ve said it was hard before, but comparing the before/after, I’d say the before was stiff with less available motion.

Day 8

This round so far feels much more personal than the first time I did it in 2022. My husband has been in my dreams the past three nights and he hardly every makes appearances in my dreams the 12 years we’ve been together.

Day 9

I noticed that I am not yawning like I did the first time I did the program. Whenever I am shifting energy, I yawn a lot. This observation isn’t good or bad, it’s just a noticing of the difference from my first experience in 2022.

Day 11

I attended a day retreat and so I missed Day 11.

Day 12

I did the release ritual from Day 11. I also remembered seeing in her newer FAQ advice on what to do if it you miss a day. This was updated advice and very helpful. The protocol last time was different and was to pickup where you left off if you missed less than three days. This time around, it was advised to repeat Day 1 and then pickup where you left off. So that’s what I did, another day 1.

Day 13- 28

Nothing too notable happening. I did not have a “release” with tears as expected in week 3 per her information. I still feel looser and fluid in my hips which is great.