By the Signs: What Do the Tarot Cards Say for You?
/Channeled Transmission by Katie Onyekere
The Moon Child Tarot Deck is Written and Illustrated by Danielle Noel
Jan. 20, 2020 - Feb. 28, 2020
Pisces: King Of Cups
This is a sensitive king. He represents emotional maturity. It’s time for parts of you to "grow up.” This king WANTS to guide you in this direction. This is not the sensitive that equals fragile and easily offended. This is the sensitive that represents authentic connection and tenderness. Be earnest in your desires, your needs, and even your hurts (this is not the same as ACCUSATIONS or making your feelings other's responsibility). Keep in mind that trying to communicate away from your emotional body will actually serve to backfire over the coming weeks. Let your emotional intelligence lead you and do some journaling, before you pour out AT people from things you thought were “fine” before. Only you can advocate for yourself.
Aries: 4 Of Wands (reversed)
This speaks of coronation and initiation especially in the realm of ancestral connection and gifts within your bloodline and soul tribe. We know how hard you’ve been working and we assure you that the time to celebrate is SO close. The last thing we want for you to do now is to start feeling like you’re wasting your time. Stay the course. Don’t change strategies yet. Do. Not. Give. Up. The things that are falling a part? Were not divine. Don’t you want more divinity in your life? We ask that you trust that whatever mess is in front of you is actually divine chaos in motion.
Taurus: The Emperor
It’s time to get your affairs in order, but not because you’re going to die (so please check for anywhere you’re pushing against and forcing things as if the machine HAS to keep going). Your self discipline has a direct correlation to your self love. It’s time to stop waiting until you “feel” like it, or for the next sign from the universe. Consider this your sign. If everything you say you wanted showed up at your door today, would you be ready to RECEIVE it, and able to HOLD space for it? You KNOW where you are not being consistent or taking action.. so do it already. We love you.
Gemini: The Magician
Consider this card to be an alchemist. He uses resourcefulness to turn base metals into gold. He’s calculating in the risks he takes and the ingredients he uses. Every drop of what he puts into what he creates is done with conscious intention. You don’t need more proof of your skills, you need to create WITH them and be innovative. It’s time to treat your projects as what they are; creations that deserved your focused attention. Now is the time to BUILD, experiment, fail, test things out, publish, etc. To do this, you’ll have to be okay with things not being perfect. You’ll have to be willing to get out there and learn as you go.
Cancer: The universe
This is a card that is unique to this particular tarot deck. Take time to celebrate not just your success but the alignment you have worked so hard for. Things are coming together beautifully for you whether it’s evident in your current manifested reality or not yet. Expect to feel a deep sense of fulfillment with your path, your connection to the divine, and your desired future. This is only the beginning. Rest, celebrate, and be confident that if you’ve been doing the work, it’s about to pay off on many levels.
Leo: Five Of Swords
This card speaks of insecurity. Feeling insecure is already something that leaves you feeling so out of your element dear Leo that it can cause you to become very reactive and impulsive. You’re so busy looking at what you didn’t accomplish, where you should be, and what you should have done that you’ve lost sight of what’s important. Hint: Winning is not what’s important. We understand that you’re feeling disillusioned but don’t let this make you hard and defensive. Don’t justify your actions and reactions with your disappointment. Make sure it’s not fear or the need to prove anything that is DRIVING and motivating you actions and decisions over the next few weeks of intense astral energies.
Virgo: Death
The message for you is probably the most direct and simple of all (are you surprised?). It’s time to give up everything you think you are. We know how vague that sounds, but we’re actually referring to the “I’m just this way” .. and .. “this is how I’ve always been” thought patterns that are keeping you in judgement and blocking the transformation you crave. This is an accumulation of things that have been building and that you’ve been working towards. It’s a period of moving into new ways of BE-ing. A REAL sense of renewal. Would you like to enjoy it, or go through this process kicking and screaming? The choice is yours!
Libra: Queen Of Swords (reversed)
To be blunt, this feminine archetype knows exactly how to see through bullshit. It seems your bullshit filter may be broken. Exactly how many “eh” people are in your life right now that you’re trying to “make” fit? It’s time to examine where you tend to be passive and even passive aggressive because under the continued astral energies this is exactly where you can expect impulsive blow ups. Be aware where you are trying to process your emotions with your mental body and logic instead of allowing your emotions and your BODY to be an honest indicator of what you want, and what you are willing to tolerate in your future.
Scorpio: Six Of Wands (reversed)
This is a card of victory. Your victory has been delayed. Don’t panic. Slow down and consider this an opportunity to adjust your aim to hit your target at levels you previously didn’t feel confident enough to set your sights on. Consider where you’re confusing optimism and positive energy with denial. Denial will not help you confront your fears or allow the solutions that ARE available to the blocks and delays that may be in front of you.
Sagittarius: Knight Of Swords
Knights have jobs to do and they’re HIGHLY committed to those jobs. Their ethics and integrity stems from their loyalty and willingness to do what is needed for the good of the kingdom. Keep your eye on the price and don’t get distracted by the ego’s cunning ways. The ego will use anything against you. It will try to convince you that you “deserve” a break, a night off, and a nap. There is a time and place for all of those things. Now is not that time for you. Allow yourself to be inspired by the work ethic of this Knight and his eye for STANDARDS. The work you’re doing IS going to pay off, and no-one else needs to understand it because it’s YOUR vision and YOUR responsibility.
Capricorn: Strength
This card is actually just here to encourage you. You ARE enough to get through this time. You ARE enough to take inspired action. You ARE enough to be vulnerable instead of “strong.” Channel your inner fire, your courage, and strength into everything you do and it will become HIGHLY attractive. You will be like honey in the wild. Your strength and determination have the potential to fuel GREAT things in your life over the next few weeks. Don’t give up and take the time to actually take stock of the qualities about you that have gotten you where you are today. If you feel too weak, lean on the divine to spark your soul.
Aquarius: Wheel Of Fortune (reversed)
You’re not in control (breathe!). This is actually a great thing when you surrender to it. When we surrender our lack of “know how” and ideas about how we THINK things are supposed to go it finally leaves SPACE for the law of attraction to work in our favor. You may be at a point where you’re “sick and tired” of being stuck in current patterns and events that seem to keep repeating themselves. The only thing you can control is who you want to be, how you want to feel, and how you choose to respond. Consider the pattern you’re in and how you can make a different choice to break free of it.
Katie Onyekere
The Aura Alchemist & Soul Transformation Guide
Katie Onyekere is psychic channel, healer, and mentor for women ready to align with who they're meant to BE so they can tap into their unique brilliance to live with purpose and abundance. She believes in thriving from the heart and living for the soul so abundance can follow. She's certified in 8 healing and divination modalities and has been serving her clients for 7 years. Book Your Session @ Katie can be found on IG @ livingforthesoul.
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