Don't Make Me Work for Your Sale

Admittedly, I scroll FB a lot. It’s my break during the day and frankly, I LOVE learning, reading and seeing other people’s comments.

I was served an ad from a body coach who was trying to sell me on her “7-Day Body Reset” challenge. You know the kind, give them your email, download the guide and then go down their email funnel. I get it, it makes sense.

However, I get so annoyed at these. Why? Because I saw the video in the ad and immediately wanted to BUY a workout. I LOVED what she presented. I wanted to jump right in, but she didn’t let me.

I tried by-passing her barrier by getting to her website, but that was hard and I gave up.

So frustrating. I liked her video so much in just a few seconds I had already bought into her. She completely missed the opportunity for me to hand her my money. Why?

Three possible reasons:

  1. She never thought of offering me a small sale as a cold prospect.

  2. She doesn’t believe that someone could possibly love her stuff immediately and be willing to fork over cash to her. (Limiting belief, anyone?!)

  3. Someone told her this is how you make all the money using auto-mated funnels.

I don’t believe we need to always do the same old nurture sequence to get buy-in.

People make judgement calls immediately when they meet us. Why do we think the online space is the exception?

IMO, most entrepreneurs are sticking with the old way—and there’s nothing wrong with this tried and true strategy. However, I really think marketers shouldn’t be afraid to offer a small sale immediately. Think about how many people she got in-front of. Certainly I’m not the only one thinking “Let me buy this workout right now!”

Reasons I think marketers and entrepreneurs should try offering a small sale instead of a free content giveaway:

  1. If someone likes you immediately, take advantage of their interest or the fact they feel they resonate with you/your message.

  2. Free stuff implies it’s a very small sample of the work, not a complete solution to your problem (don’t waste their time).

  3. People work harder and are more likely to actually use your content compared to free stuff that’s given away. It’s true, free doesn’t always lead to action. People get invested when they have put money down.

  4. Dripped content like a 7-day challenge is a drag. I have a problem and want relief for the solution NOW. Don’t slow them down.

Ultimately, I think it comes down to treating them well as a human. If you had a friend who had a problem, you wouldn’t withhold your suggestion for them. You’d offer them help now to get them the relief they need. No one likes to see their friends suffer. (Caveat: as a coach, sometimes I do have to hold space for struggle or pain so the client can come to find their own answers.)

To sum it up, I highly encourage marketers to rethink and test the waters here. Not all cold prospects will buy immediately, but if you do such a good job with creating ads/messaging that makes people WANT to give them your money, let that hook bring it on home!

And yes, there have been a few times I bought a $27 or $29 product from someone I didn’t know prior. Their copy was so on point, I just rushed to give them my money! It IS possible!!

Shine on, sisters! xo
