The Intersection of Conspiracy Theories & Spirituality
/I got really steamed the other day in a “spiritual entrepreneur group.” They set some new boundaries about what is and isn’t allowed in the group. Every group has boundaries and that keeps things healthy and on topic. However, they drew a line in the sand that digs at my core. This clearly is something that I need to voice my views on so that others can contemplate and grow from.
Before I go on, please remember the following situations:
-There are cigarette commercials that tout the findings of “ In a repeated national survey, doctors in all branches of medicine, doctors in all parts of the country, were asked, “What cigarette do you smoke, Doctor?” Watch the commercial here.
-People used to believe the Earth was flat.
-People used to believe that star constellations were gods above them.
Conspiracy theories are defined as alternative theories. That’s it. While they may seem wildly out out of touch to many, it’s only relative to your own openness.
In spiritual groups, I’ve seen topics come up about Covid-19 and Plandemic, what really happened on 9-11, Jeffery Epstein’s death, chemtrails, what the Vatican is hiding, 5G technology, and more. People share ideas and discuss the players and the power that they are protecting.
To me, spirituality is all about becoming more open. We look at ourselves differently. We look at the world differently. We question what we knew to be true. We question WHO is telling us what is “true.” We discover our own truths about what we feel and see. It’s a natural progression that occurs.
We open up to ideas and information outside of what we currently know. We explore. We accept. We reject. Rinse and repeat over and over.
Spirituality is the act of seeing what’s outside of ourselves and discovering the illusions that we kept alive. Expansion and growth enable us to get past the limits that have been set on us by society or those we self-imposed.
Spirituality is limitless, right? You discover and connect with your soul to live the life you feel is right—the life that you have an energetic blueprint for. You likely cannot get there by staying the same.
Every single woman that I have coached is looking for change; they seek new information and ways to do things. They are breaking down the trauma and repeated patterns in their life to better understand things. These women are highly self-reflective. Another common thread? Not a single one stays the straight and narrow. Once their eyes have been opened, they follow the breadcrumbs that often take them off the beaten path. It’s called “off the beaten path” because they are veering off the common road. What used to surprise them, they now can hold the idea that “Hey, MAYBE that is possible.”
Conspiracy theories are important for us as they provide alternative explanations and motives. There is nothing wrong with exploring other points of view. We NEED to critically think to break free from the boxes that have kept us confined. That’s freedom. That’s the stuff that spirituality is made of.
Conspiracy theorists are ridiculed, mocked, and laughed at. And conspiracy theorists are thought to be long-haired high hippies. Let me tell you, that is not the case. There are many public figures that are beginning to take on the issues that deserve critical thinking and opposition; they look nothing like people from the stone age. People are really opening up to find the truth, speak their truth, and influence others.
While ideas or theories may seem like a far fetched idea, can you even stretch your mind to consider or imagine that it be true? The act of seeing the possibility IS a spiritual one.
Shine on, my friends.