By the Signs: This Month's Mercury Retrograde & Your Life Purpose
/Channeled by Jennifer Kosh of Love Matters
Feb. 16, 2020 - Mar. 9, 2020
Jennifer gives us an very personalized experience for navigating Mercury’s Retrograde this month. Her reading starts with a brief intro as to what’s happening and then she magnificently guides us (scroll down to your astrological sign) to questions that will deepen our understanding of ourselves and what’s occurring.
What might this Mercury Retrograde awaken in you?
Welcome to your personal guide to the first Mercury Retrograde of 2020.
On February 2, the setup phase for this Retrograde was activated, but officially Mercury will go into its retrograde cycle on February 16 until March 9.
Retrogrades are much more than just an astrological cycle that causes all sorts of trouble for our daily communication, our computers or our travel plans.
As a planet, Mercury represents our capacity for how we think, how we perceive reality and how we process external information before communicating our experience in the outer world through areas such as our creative expression, our work or our relationships.
Mercury’s purpose revolves around its archetypal role as a Messenger, delivering messages to us in the areas we’re ready to learn about, to heal or to transform so that we can tap into our ever-evolving potential as a soul here in this human experience.
“A Retrograde, in which Mercury appears to be moving backwards for a period of time, actually gives us pause to stop, notice what’s going on in our lives and see what’s being called to be released, upgraded or even created anew. ”
A Retrograde, in which Mercury appears to be moving backwards for a period of time, actually gives us pause to stop, notice what’s going on in our lives and see what’s being called to be released, upgraded or even created anew.
After the retrograde ends on March 9, life will continue to show you until almost the end of March exactly what you’ve learned and retained through retrograde period and how you will integrate the learning into your life, upgrading your communication and belief system.
Much ease and many insights can be gained during an astrological event like a Mercury Retrograde as you understand and consciously work with the larger archetypal forces at play that can show you where you are in your life’s journey, what’s up for change, healing and transformation and feel a greater connection to your place in it all.
So what will be your themes or your main message of this Mercury Retrograde?
For any planet that moves through a transit (like this Mercury Retrograde), it can be an enlightening experience to see what might be activated within us, for us with a professional reading, which can give you all sorts of specific insights tailored to your birth information.
And at a foundational level, we can explore your Sun and/or Rising signs to tap into which areas of your journey may be up for transformation right now.
Sun in Aries or Aries Rising
As the archetypes of the Innovator and Pioneer, you have a great capacity and desire to learn and understand new things, so you can grow to new heights. Therefore, your mind must be challenged and you need to feel inspired. This Retrograde might show you where you have unconsciously landed in a rut or where you’re feeling frustrated or defeated in some area of your life. Alternatively, this Retrograde might be upgrading your fiery way of communicating. Aries enjoys the process of talking and thinking, feeling the joy of ideas and communicating. However, you might be more passionate on occasion about speaking rather than deeply listening, missing how people are reacting to your words—or even on a more mystical level, missing the signs that the universe is lovingly and magically delivering to you through messages you might receive through animal sightings or synchronistic meetings.
Your questions to contemplate this Retrograde:
How might this retrograde be showing you a new or expanded vision for your life or the next steps in how to materialize that vision?
How do you remain present to others when you have passionately opposing beliefs?
Do you worry about being judged or criticized if you appear or act differently than your peer group when you know you’re here to stand out?
Do you feel an inner pressure to push you forward into the limelight and more deeply commit to a life and a cause (causes) that you’re devoted to?
Taurus or Taurus Rising
Your thinking is capable of being particularly meticulous, a trait which some people might associate with being slow. However, you like to weigh the pros and cons, the benefits and the drawbacks of what is being presented to you. In this regard, your thinking can be grounded, dependable and conservative—which is a good thing, but what if you’re unconsciously stuck in a rigid or negative belief system that’s preventing you from building what your soul longs to create? This retrograde with its liberating and visionary energies might help free you from any self-worth, self-doubt and procrastination issues getting in the way. Taurus as an earth sign transforms her world through beauty and through the other sacred qualities she values. So take stock, my friend, to see if your life is a reflection of what you hold most true.
Your questions to contemplate this Retrograde:
What limiting beliefs must you release about your value and your worth that will allow you to the next levels of abundance and prosperity consciousness in your life?
Are you creating your life based on your highest values?
Do you need to reassess or become reacquainted with these values?
Do you believe you have the inner and outer resources to make your dreams come true?
In what areas do you need greater resources, support, confidence, belief in your worth, etc.?
In which areas of your life do you feel you’re plodding along?
Gemini or Gemini Rising
You Geminis are wildly curious souls, blessed with wit and intelligence that makes you an eternal Student of love and life. Mercury rules Gemini, so Mercury Retrogrades are always an interesting time for you and your mercurial ways. The Trickster archetype is a Mercury/Gemini favourite and so during this retrograde, you may experience encounters with people and situations that make you take a step back to see what or why things are transpiring in your life as they are. The Student in you loves to learn. However, sometimes Gemini can jump from topic to topic without taking the time to sleuth a little deeper, completing something they have started or refraining from staying in one place for too long without mining the gold of what’s appearing in their life right now. Moreover, as an air sign, Geminis tend to default to the mental plane in situations that feel hard, confusing or triggering, shying away from emotions when they can. This Mercury Retrograde may ask you to look a little deeper at what is transpiring in your life, tap into your feelings and intuition about it, so you can use both sides of the brain for a richer experience of your life.
Your questions to contemplate this Retrograde:
Can you see your life and all your experiences and relationships from a detached and objective point of view to see the bigger picture of things?
Do you overly rely on logic rather than balance your thinking process with imagination, creativity and intuition?
How much and how often do you bring a deeper, broader perspective to a conversation or idea?
Where are you being called to lead and take ownership for your life, creating a new story for yourself and then executing a plan around fulfilling it?
Cancer or Cancer Rising
Mercury shows you where your emotions can heal or bind you. Cancer, the sign of the Empath and the Sensitive, is a sponge for the emotional climate of any room she walks in. As the archetype of the Mother, you may be someone who puts the needs of everyone in your home first before you tend to yours, so this Mercury Retrograde may show you where the Martyr may be active in your life, so you can make decisions to shine the light of love and compassion on yourself just a little (or a lot) more often. Cancer is a leader in the households and communities she oversees, so it’s important that you are able to deeply nourish yourself. On the other side, stuck emotions can freeze your growth and keep you from moving forward even if you have set goals, written intentions and created stunning vision boards declaring to the Universe what you want. Look at this Mercury Retrograde to unthaw the emotions that you’re ready to process now and look for new ways to express yourself and novel experiences that move you closer towards your dreams.
Your questions to contemplate this Retrograde:
What are your beliefs about your role in your family and community?
Are you able to freely express your emotions at home and in your intimate relationships?
What role does your intuition play in your life?
Do you deny or encourage your intuitive gifts in yourself?
Was or is your sensitivity and intuition honoured in your family?
Leo or Leo Rising
Holding the energy of the Artist, the Creator and the Performer, you have a creative, playful mind and are known for your humorous, distinct communication style. You stand by your beliefs very firmly and take pride in what you believe in. However, underneath all of this conviction of your beliefs and thoughts is likely a fear of not being able to impress others or looking foolish in your attempts to put yourself out there, resulting in you not expressing yourself strongly enough or coming off too brashly. This Mercury Retrograde may call you to transform those areas of your communication style that results in one-sided communication where you do not speak up because you might consciously or subconsciously believe what someone else has to say is more important than what you have to say—or the other way around where you are learning to listen with a more heart-centered approach. You may also see what areas of your life need an injection of passion, magic and just plain old fun.
Your questions to contemplate this Retrograde:
Where are you being called to shine, to create, to rule as the Queen of your life?
Do you hide your light?
Do you feel safe to be the Star and Creator of your life’s experience?
Do you have blocks with being visible?
Do you allow yourself time to be creative, letting yourself self-express in ways that feel authentic and true?
Do you need more joy in your life, more play, more free time?
Virgo or Virgo Rising
One of your Virgo strengths is your powerful, analytical mind and devotion to serve. Period—to your family, your work, the communities to which you belong. No one organizes and discerns quite like a Virgo, keeping emotions in check so you can get all that you need to do done. But on the other end of the spectrum, your active mind might shift into overdrive with the Inner Critic at the wheel, trying to protect you from growing into the person you see you could potentially be by telling you that you’re not enough—too old, too young, too inexperienced, too loud, too much. But hold on. Virgo also carries the powerful archetypes of the Goddess, the Priestess and Mother Earth and with these energies’ support, this Retrograde may invite experiences in your life so that you view what’s transpiring from a place of curiosity and self-love, encouraging you to define and shape your Great Work here on this planet—in your personal and professional life.
Your questions to contemplate this Retrograde:
Are beliefs or feelings of not being good enough ultimately holding you back from expressing your true brilliance?
What would it take to shift any negative beliefs and feelings along with any self-judgment you have, so you can experience genuine compassion for yourself and others?
What thoughts and beliefs do you have that control you, are not kind, make you feel as if you’re not enough, not doing enough, not smart enough, young enough, thin enough, etc.?
Do you become discouraged or despondent over any rejection or criticism of your efforts or of you personally?
Libra or Libra Rising
The quality of the relationships you have are equal to the quality of relationship you have with yourself. This Retrograde, you may be called to level up how you relationship with yourself first. Because of Libra’s love for peace and beauty, you might not always like to look at the darker or less kind parts of your or others’ human nature. depending on how important you feel it is to keep the peace or to be accepted and loved. You may find yourself agreeing with others just to ensure no conflicts arise without checking in with how you actually feel. People close to you may find themselves confused and frustrated not truly knowing what your real thoughts or feelings are on a given subject. Additionally, the more you repress or suppress your actual thoughts and feelings, the more resentful you might become. This Mercury Retrograde may show you where you need to develop the next levels of self-love and self-worth, so you can get in touch with your feelings and communicate them to others.
Your questions to contemplate this Retrograde:
Do you agree with others just to keep the peace without checking in with how you actually feel?
Do people express that they do not truly know you? Do you feel this way about other people?
Do you sometimes feel inadequate intellectually and struggle to communicate your ideas and feelings because you were told once you weren’t smart enough (or you formed this opinion yourself)?
Do you have challenges feeling enough self-love and self-worth to get in touch with your feelings and share your ideas with others?
Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
You are the deepest feeling sign of the entire zodiac. Embodying the archetypes of the Alchemist and the Sorceress, Scorpio can take strong emotions and transform them into emotions that have a positive, powerful effect on anything or anyone you place your attention. This Retrograde may allow you to bring up some of the darker emotions such as envy or resentment, so you can transmute them into the fuel you need to deeply nourish your dreams rather than taint or even poison what you love and what you’re trying to create. This emotional transformation is a radical act of self-love. All water signs such as Scorpio change and grow through the power of love and devotion. Therefore, this Mercury Retrograde may cause you to shift your perception and thinking about what you love and to what you are devoted in the areas that this Retrograde is touching for you.
Your questions to contemplate this Retrograde:
What shifts in perspective do you need or magical traits can you tap into that can help you transform beliefs or emotions that are not serving you to ones that do?
Do you find yourself jealous and insecure in certain situations or relationships? Do you know why?
What relationships are testing you right now in areas of power, control and/or sex?
Do you tend to have emotional outbursts after having bottled up your feelings for too long?
In which cases do you use or neglect to use your psychic abilities to pick up, intuit, discern, receive information?
Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
As the archetypal Explorer energy, you’re driven to seek adventure, travel the world and find the truth in any situation, answering life’s big questions in the process about who you are and why you are here. However, there will be times in a Sagittarius’s life that the deep wells of optimism and expansion have dried up or that you lose faith and doubt your abilities or your reason for being here. A Retrograde cycle will show you where you have let certain areas of your life become stagnant, which habits have formed that do not serve you or even where you are living a lie. Be gentle in this revealing and understand this: you came to find meaning in your life in a way that inspires and fulfills you, so you can model for others the idea that how you live your life mission is just as important as what you believe you need to achieve.
Your questions to contemplate this Retrograde:
Are you willing to let go of limited habitual ways of thinking and begin to experience greater joy in your life?
What if choosing healthier habits, including thoughts and feelings, help you to experience an entirely new reality that’s fulfilling and fun?
What values, beliefs and moral standards are guiding your life right now?
Are you compromising your truest values without even knowing it?
Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
This is a big year for Capricorns with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto currently in Capricorn and for most of 2020. Why is this important to know? You’re being asked to step up and step out of your comfort zone in a significant way according to the most authentic version of your life plan and in a way that is likely different or grander than you might have imagined. Capricorn is the sign of the great human potential and is a creator of legacies for the families and communities of which she is a part. And while Capricorn holds the archetypes of the Director and the Leader, there’s a good chance you will not be asked to start a multi-national organization, a global charity or go out on the campaign trail (unless that is, in fact, what you are inspired to do!!). What you as a Capricorn are learning with this Retrograde is to tap into the mystical vision for your life and free yourself from any restrictive influences, so you can experience more of what brings you joy, more vitality, and deeper waves of contentment a little more often.
Your questions to contemplate this Retrograde:
Do you have fears around failing or looking foolish or unprepared in your public/professional life?
Are you concerned about being judged or criticized on how well you perform or how dedicated you are to serving?
Do you feel the need to be in control of a conversation—what is said and how it unfolds?
Do you have blocks preventing you from opening yourself up to new ways of thinking and feeling?
Do you overly rely on logic rather than balance your thinking process with imagination, creativity and intuition?
Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
As an air sign, you have many visionary (some may say eccentric!!) thoughts and plans about how to shift things for people and situations. Yes, your ideas are game-changers not only for you but also for those people, places and causes you love. This Retrograde will seek to liberate you from the thoughts that keep your overly detached, frozen or blind to what you must feel and see to move yourself forward or to uncover for you the next steps of your life plan—which is not just about the work you do. When all is said and done, this Retrograde will look to unlock a new level of freedom to express yourself in ways that inspire others including the friends who are here to help you along the way, moving yourself and others forward in the visionary ways that you hold dear.
Your questions to contemplate this Retrograde:
Are you overly detached or matter-of-fact in your communication, communicating from a direct, non-emotional almost cold perspective?
How open are you to developing your intuitive skills, receiving lightning bolts of information and guidance?
How well do you communicate to your friends—especially the ones who do not think like you?
Are you locked into traditional, outworn ways of communicating?
Do you overly rely on logic rather than balance your thinking process with imagination, creativity and intuition?
Pisces or Pisces Rising
Look for this retrograde to clear up any fantasies or illusions that you have in any part of your life. Pisces is a Big Love, Big Giver energy, so much of what Pisces is learning is to give to yourself and where you might delude yourself in this area of self-love and self-care. Take a generous, loving moment to evaluate where and why you are over-giving to others and under-giving to yourself. You may be stretched in ways this next month so that you can say no when needed and create more space for you to give back to yourself, get in touch with your inner voice and see how and where to expand the vision for your life.
Your questions to contemplate this Retrograde:
Is your life guided by a big vision that feels inspiring?
Do you overgive, sacrificing your own needs mentally, emotionally, physically and/or spiritually?
Do you ever feel sad or resentful that you give so much with so little in return?
Who do you feel compassion for?
From whom do you withhold your compassion (most importantly, consider yourself too for this question)?
This article was written by the ever-so-gifted, Jennifer Kosh. Get a 1-1 astrology session with her or sign-up for her astrology blog!
Jennifer Kosh (Jenn Kosh-Love Matters)
With five planets in Libra, Jenn Kosh is here to help you have a beautiful relationship with all areas of life. As a mentor, life coach, astrologer and intuitive, she has dedicated her life to sharing the tools, resources and insights to help her clients and her audience create a life they love.
To learn more about her intuitive astrology reports “Love Maps” or sign up to her astrology blog, “The Lunar Love Notes” that guides you to live your life with a little more guidance and purpose, connect with her at Jenn Kosh-Love Matters.
Was something here from Jenn’s reading helpful to you? Was it spot on? Let us know—share in the comments below!